Unpopular songs of popular artist #1

Well as promised, I will recommend not so famous but good songs by some well-known artist that basically everyone has heard of

I think I should begin with idols and celebrities that teenagers worship. Some of their songs might just be about having fun or asking a girl/boy out on a date but some of them are very good and meaningful

Before you read it, I think you should know my taste in music. I listen to all kinds of songs but my favorite ones are the ones with unfamiliar tunes, light, sweet gentle, and has beautiful lyrics. So sorry if you don’t like my recommendations


—- One Direction

Same mistakes: Unlike their upbeat songs like live while we’re young or what makes you beautiful, this song is sweet and light and can really make you feel emotional

—- Demi Lovato

Believe in me: a ong that can really boost your confidence and help you realize who you really are

World of chances: a gentle love song with a sweet tune, somewhat a little sad. The meaning has many interpretations. Listen and find yours 🙂

Fix a heart: Demi’s fans favorite love song. The lyrics are beautiful. I highly recommend it

For the love of a daughter: Well, guessing from the title you would know that this song is about her dad. It’s heart-breaking, full of pain and very emotional. You can hear the agony in her voice. Anyone sentimental should listen to this with tissues in their hands

Shouldn’t come back: A kind of song that cuts you like a knife. At first I thought that it was about a boy, but turns out it’s about her dad. This is my favorite song from her latest album

— Taylor Swift: I have to say, I am quite a fan of her songs. I think any girls would listen to her whole album, but for those of you who don’t, these are my favorite

All too well: this is my favorite song of hers. It’s a kind of bittersweet songs that bring back so good many memories, but all of them exist in the past. This is the perfect combination between beautiful lyrics and beautiful melody

Enchanted: the best happy love song ever. This song alone can really sweep you off your feet , make you  feel so dreamy, and indeed, enchanted.

Untouchable: another work of Taylor that can touch a girl’s heart. The guitar harmonizes really well with her voice

— Justin Bieber

Nothing like us:  a heart-breaking song. You really have to give it to Bieber this time, he sounds really good in this

— Greyson Chance

Summertrain: a not so popular song but a very good one. The tune is unlike any of his songs but stay in your mind for a long time


If you want any recommendations, let me know :). Thank you for your time



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